Solving Problems

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From fearsphobias, anxiety, stress, panic and depression to addictions, unwanted habits, lack of confidence, poor self esteem, anger and even physical symptoms, I can help you overcome issues that currently hold you back or affect your quality of life.


Here are just some of the problems I can work with you to solve:

Fears and phobias  – from flying, spiders, mice, snakes, heights, confined or open spaces, public speaking and performance, to more unusual things amongst the hundreds of phobias that exist. Fears and phobias can be addressed readily.

Addictions – such as smoking, food, alcohol, drugs, gambling and exercise can all be successfully overcome, with a clear commitment on your part to succeed.

Unwanted habits  - including nail biting, hair pulling, over-eating and self harm can all be changed no matter how long you’ve been living with them.

Effects of trauma or loss   – Traumatic events or losses, whether in the past or more recent, can affect our wellbeing in so many ways. For example, in the case of a loss, painful emotions are a normal part of the grieving process. However, we can become stuck in that most painful place and find ourselves needing a little help in order to move forward again. I will work with you to reduce the emotional impact and power of any painful memories from trauma or loss, without you having to relive them. It’s not even necessary for you to disclose the detail of what happened if you don’t wish to.

Chronic illness and pain   – the techniques I will share with you can be highly effective in managing the symptoms of chronic illness and pain, alongside any more conventional medical treatments you are receiving. They are particularly powerful in reducing the emotional impacts of living with conditions such as ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) , Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), allergies, skin disorder and Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS).

Lack of confidence and low self esteem   – can hold us back from realising our potential in so many different ways. I can help you rapidly learn how to have a greater sense of confidence, self belief and self worth so that any barriers to success are removed and you are able to live your life to the full.

Anger  – are you increasingly struggling to control your temper no matter how hard you try to stay calm? Just as your mind has learned to run an angry response programme, the great news is you can unlearn it again and install a more helpful response instead.

Disrupted sleep   – sleep is our body’s natural way of replenishing and restoring itself. Long term disrupted sleep issues can be very draining and tough to cope with. Hypnotherapy and NLP have been shown to be highly effective in restoring a healthy sleeping pattern, no matter how long the problem has persisted.

Relationship Issues   – we can’t change others but we can change our own responses to their behaviour and find ways of either significantly improving problem relationships or reducing our own stress responses.

Stress, anxiety and depression – regular deep relaxation is highly beneficial to relieving feelings of stress, anxiety or depression. Left unaddressed, stress, anxiety or depression can have a significant impact both on your physical and mental health and your overall quality of life. Through deep relaxation you can gain new insights and much more easily resolve issues that are bothering you.

Exam, driving test, interview or performance nerves  – do you have an exam, interview or driving test looming and you’ve become convinced you will either fail or under perform on the day? It’s very common for nerves to take over and for the body to kick into ‘fight or flight’ response This shuts down parts of the brain that you need to rely on for successful results. Hypnosis and NLP are highly effective ways of ensuring you can stay calm and access your brain power when you need it most.

Other issues – the techniques I use are effective with such a wide range of issues, it’s impossible to include them all here. If there is something you need help with that you don’t see listed here please get in touch. I’ll give you an honest assessment of whether I can be of assistance.